
100 Day Design Challenge

I officially began on February 26, 2017 and completed the design challenge on June 5, 2017. I began with little to no design knowledge, and my goal was to become familiar and quicker with design tools and see how much I've improved from Day 1 all the way to Day 100.

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in the past 100 days was that designing wasn’t just simply placing nice colours and shapes onto a page. It’s really about solving the greater user experience problem, to provide a seamless, problem-free experience for all users, whether it be within an app or a website.

Day 93 - Meet the Team


Today I decided to copy a design that represented a team of a company. I found a neat design on Dribbble , however, similar to yesterday's design I decided to change it up a bit to my liking. I copied style of the site is pretty much the same, but there were some little bits I wanted to add in.

Looking back at the Dribbble design, I made quite a few changes. First, I expanded the pictures. The problem with this is that, if the company team grows bigger, I'm not too sure how I would incorporate more team members. Questions like "Should I create another line? Should I decrease the size of the circles?" popped into my head. Another change I made was the top bar. I created this bar to provide a navigation and sense of placement for the user on the site. This allows the user to fully know where they are, and can direct themselves to the area they want to be in. Lastly, for the clicked team member image, instead of having an "information" icon, I decided to fill it up with the employee's image instead.

This was a pretty easy design to create, but it requires a lot of thought before it can be finalized. There are many design decisions to be made here, and I'm happy I got to question some of my decisions. I would want to further add the interactions to this design, such as how the image expands out and how the name drops down when it's clicked.

Once again, I'm happy I was able to choose a design where I continued to change things as I went through. Creating this design helped me explore different options and routes, and allowed me to choose the best one.

Andrea Ho