This project was a submission to the Shopify internship application in 2017: To design a one-page website and 1-3 sample screens of a Daily Life Log app within a week.
ChallengR was built with a mission to motivate individuals to improve every day by tracking their habits.
I have placed heavy emphasis on the social aspect on the app, by allowing users to motivate each other and allowing individuals understand their improvement visually.
Role / UX & UI
Process / Research, Strategy, Design, Testing
How might I encourage a user to continuously log their daily habits?
User Research
A Life Log App could go in many directions. So in order to design with a focus, I started by conducting user interviews to understand what areas people generally want to improve in.
Through my empathy research, I have found two types of people: those who are built on strong self-motivation and those who need others to motivate them.
I’ve also discovered that the main areas users want to improve on are the following: fitness, health, skills and good habits.
“I'm lazy. That's probably the reason that's keeping me away from achieving my goals.”
“I love writing down all the things I need to accomplish, because it's a nice visual of how many things are on my mind.”
“I want to improve my sleeping schedule, but I also love surfing the web at night. I don't know how to balance it out.”
As a way to synthesize and converge all the research findings into one point, I created a user persona.
Steven Fraser is a hardworking, athletic student who is having trouble balancing school and training for a spot on the University of Washington's basketball team.
Customer Journey Map
This map includes the thoughts he has, his positive/negative emotions, as well as the location he is in every time he makes an action.
How Might We & Crazy Eights
Understanding the needs, wants, pain points of a user, I took my my ideas to paper. I decided to design for the life log app before designing the app's website, because I wanted to understand all the features of the app first.
Drawing all my rough ideas on paper gave me a better sense of what things are needed in the app. The image below shows a couple ideas I came up with during the Ideation phase:
Usability Testing
Before diving right into designing high-fidelity wireframes, I did a simple user test to make sure my paper wireframes were understandable.
“'Challenge Yourself' means I can set a new goal right?”
“What does this icon at the bottom mean?”
“How do I view my friends' goals?”
High Fidelity Wireframes: Mobile App
From the user tests, I made changes to my paper wireframes into high-fidelity wireframes.
High Fidelity Wireframes: Desktop Landing Page
Knowing fully of what the the Life Log app does for the user, I showcased all the features on the app's website.
This was my first time completing a challenge for an interview application within a tight time frame. Although I was given an interview, which was a great experience, I was unable to proceed to the next round.
Looking back at the project, I was given the chance to learn the importance about ideation. Giving me the freedom to experiment what features would encourage users to continuously log their data easily and efficiently every day allowed me to discover that the process "Ideation" is endless. This challenge had pushed me to learn to quickly decide which idea is 'best' and move on with the process.
If I were to move forward with this project, I would build out the wireframe of "push notifications". The reason for this is to encourage users to live out their goals and achieve a better themselves week by week.