
100 Day Design Challenge

I officially began on February 26, 2017 and completed the design challenge on June 5, 2017. I began with little to no design knowledge, and my goal was to become familiar and quicker with design tools and see how much I've improved from Day 1 all the way to Day 100.

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in the past 100 days was that designing wasn’t just simply placing nice colours and shapes onto a page. It’s really about solving the greater user experience problem, to provide a seamless, problem-free experience for all users, whether it be within an app or a website.

Day 72 - Direct Me to the Finish


I learned something new today! Super excited that I figured out a new tool. I've been wondering if there was a simpler way of creating a pattern around a circle.

I used the new tool for the compass screen. The little markers along the circular path was the main highlight of today's design. In order to create this design, I had to create a line. Then after creating the desired line length, I went to Layer, then Paths and then Rotate Copies. Clicking on Rotate Copies will generate a popup, asking the number of designs wanted along the circular path. After all the settings are completed, clicking "OK" will result in the consistent and equally spaced circle pattern.

To be honest, I didn't do much for the Congratulations screen. I just tried to create an overlay for the hike stats. This screen appears after the user has clicked the "Finish" button on the top right.

I wouldn't say I placed a lot of effort into this one, but I'm glad I was able to learn a new tool that I've been searching for a long time.

Andrea Ho